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3 min read
Rediscovering Strength and Wellness: The Benefits of Pilates Post-Baby
Welcoming a new addition to your family is a joyous occasion, but it also brings significant changes to your body and lifestyle. As a new...

3 min read
Unlocking Vitality: The Transformative Benefits of Pilates for Individuals in Their 60s and Beyond
As we enter our senior years, maintaining physical health and overall well-being becomes increasingly important. Among the plethora of...

3 min read
Navigating the Contrasts Between Mat Pilates and Reformer Pilates: Choosing Your Path
Pilates has emerged as one of the most popular forms of exercise, renowned for its ability to sculpt muscles, improve flexibility, and...

3 min read
Reviving the Blog: A Reflection on the Studio's Journey over the past few years, Including Our Digital Leap
Hello! After a brief hiatus, I'm back to share a retrospective on the past two years and the exciting transformations our studio has...

4 min read
What I have done to survive Level Four with my 7 year old!
Well what a roller coaster this past few weeks have been. I have gone from running a busy studio to closing without an opening date, home...

3 min read
How to set yourself up for success when it comes to food
Healthy eating is a pretty big topic so, for now, I‘m going to give you some hints on how to set yourself up for success when it comes to...

1 min read
Best Protein Berry Smoothie Recipe
Have you ever gone to a cafe and ordered a smoothie, only to find that it was just berry syrup and milk... I have and they are always so...

2 min read
5 ways to increase your protein intake
Did you know having a high protein intake can offer you several health benefits? Here are a few: Increases metabolic rate (Hello weight...

1 min read
Do you struggle to stick to your goals in winter?
If you have answered yes, then this is the post for you! In Hawke’s Bay we don’t have terrible weather but we do feel the cold that’s for...

2 min read
Top 5 Benefits of Mat Pilates
There are so many benefits from doing pilates but I have chosen five to go over with you today. I you have ever wondered what the big...

3 min read
Why I chose Pilates
Today I am going to talk about why I chose Pilates and why I started a Pilates Studio. When I was 18, my mum told me I should start up a...

4 min read
Pilates Frequently Asked Questions
Last week I posted on our social media accounts answering a few FAQs for you all and today I will answer a few more. I will cover: Why...

4 min read
Top 5 Tips for Healthy Skin
Today I sat down with Pearl from Cameo Beauty to talk about her Top 5 recommendations to having healthy glowing skin. Pearl and I met a...

2 min read
Don't Buy In To The Weight Loss Gimmicks
Yesterday I received an email advertising a sale on this ab machine. It's basically a big plaster in the shape of a 6 pack that you put...

3 min read
Gym Burnout. What it is and How to avoid it.
Last year during COVID-19 I lost my motivation to get back in to the gym. I was already struggling with motivation at that point and then...

1 min read
Best Pumpkin Soup Recipe
Last year one of our old family friends thought me this recipe and it is my absolute favorite pumpkin soup and it lasts! I even make 2...

3 min read
How To Be Consistent When Your Schedule Isn’t
If you are a shift worker, a parent or just someone with a busy lifestyle this is the post for you! There are a few thing we need to work...

3 min read
Do you struggle with your Pelvic floor?
I have had several clients come to me wanting answer, wanting quick fixes to their problem. They want more than just to be told to do...

2 min read
Do you practice Self Care?
Where has this year gone!? Last year was basically a write off and this year is just going so fast. Maybe as we get older and most in to...

2 min read
How many classes should you do and why.
Today I am going to break down how many classes you should be doing and why. I always get asked "How many classes should I do?" Now 90%...
Blog: Blog2
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