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How to set yourself up for success when it comes to food


Updated: Aug 31, 2021

Healthy eating is a pretty big topic so, for now, I‘m going to give you some hints on how to set yourself up for success when it comes to food.

The most important thing is PREP and the first step in this is writing a list before you go to the supermarket or you place your order online.

It’s not about slaving away in the kitchen all weekend making food. It’s all about being organised for your week. If you plan what you are having and have everything you need in the house then it is a lot easier to cook dinner at the end of the day.

When you go to the supermarket, try to shop around the outside aisles. Think about the layout. On the outside you have veges, meats, dairy, frozen foods and then the alcohol (but let's pretend that's not there for now).

Side note: the easiest step when you want to eat healthy and improve your diet is limiting alcohol consumption. Instead of drinking each week, try every 2 weeks or once a month. The less alcohol you consume the better.

Of course there are still meal ingredients in other aisles but all the main staples should come from the veges and meat sections. They will give you the protein, carbohydrates and fats you need.

Please note this is not me telling you to only eat chicken and steamed veges. That is boring and gets old very fast. I know from experience. All I‘m saying is you want to get the majority of your food from the outside areas and only go to other aisles you know you need to. For example, I also get rice, tomato paste, canned beans and spices from the middle aisles. They are staples in quite a few of my meals. However, I do not go browsing down the cookie aisle when I don't have to.

If you have an idea of what you are going to make for the week, then it is pretty easy to write the list and stick to it. That’s not to say you can’t add anything else. If you need it, buy it. Just try not to have 3 blocks of chocolate and 2 tubs of ice cream going into your trolley.

When you don't have junk food in the house you can’t consume it and it takes a lot of effort to go out and get it, no matter how big the craving. Nine times out of 10 you will forget about it and move on with your day.

I have one more tip: When you cook your meals, try to cook a little extra. This is the perfect way to have your lunch ready to go for tomorrow or even dinner for the next night. This will save you time and energy. It’s also a perfect way to cut down on cooking especially If you don't like to cook and the endless amount of dishes that come with it!

If you need professional help with your nutrition, please reach out to a fully licensed nutritionist. They can help you correct any imbalances and guide you in the right direction.

As always, I hope you have found this helpful. If there is anything you'd like me to go over or expand on please let me know and I will try my best to do so.

How to set yourself up for success when it comes to food


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