Well what a roller coaster this past few weeks have been. I have gone from running a busy studio to closing without an opening date, home schooling my 7 year old and having to learn how to record, edit and upload my workouts on my website. What a mission that is in itself. We are all in a similar boat. Some are unable to work at all and others are having to work twice as hard to meet the current demands.
How are you doing at the moment?
Tonight we are suppose to be going in to level 3... Hopefully level 2 won't be to far behind. Once we are in to level 2 classes can commence again however there will be minor changes pending on the class amounts.
Here is what I have done to survive lockdown so far
Routine! who knew how good routine is especially with kids. Even though we don't have anywhere to go and with minimal things to do we can still have a standard routine like bedtime! Carson goes to bed at 7 and last night I was asleep at 9:30pm. We always get up around the same time as well. Carson never sleeps past 7:30am and I get up around 7:15am without an alarm so we have been sticking with that lately so when it is time to get back to our normal life it won't be a terrible struggle. We also try to get a decent amount of exercise each day to burn off some energy and make us feel like we have actually done something with our day.
Audible has been a lifesaver. I am currently a member to their website so I get regular emails about their monthly free book and their new additions. If you don't have audible or some sort of book app you should definitely get one! At the beginning of lockdown I sat down and brought a few new books. I listened to one book (10hours) within 4 days. I'm not someone that loves to read but I was very hocked to this book. If you are interested the book I listened to was 'The Stand In" by Lily Chu. I am now on to another called "The Last Thing He Told Me'. This one is pretty interesting as well so far.
Creating Boundaries. I have also used this time at home to create stronger boundaries and routines with Carson. We now eat all our meals at the table and turning the tv off. Honestly I was just sick of vacuuming my couch. Carson is also learning to knock on doors before walking through them. Since my house is very open living we struggle to get our own time so we are finding ways to do that as well. Sometimes its a struggle but the extra time together is nice as well.
Lists of things to do. Each afternoon I sit down and write a list of things I need to do the following day and if I don't have anything to do I find something that could be done. I write down work todos, cleaning todos, regular day tasks and things I need/want to buy haha. This leads me to my next topic.
Decluttering my home and devices! I had over 8 thousand photos and videos on my phone. (This is one of the reasons why my workout videos weren't recording for our online platform...) so I spent a few days going through them all and deleting everything that doesn't need to be on my personal phone including most of my work apps. Being self employed I have business stuff all over the place but I don't need to have everything on my personal phone when their is a work phone especially designed to hold all that information. I have also removed my desk from my house. I originally moved it because I needed that space for one of my plants but now that the desk is gone I can finally relax and not constantly think about what work I need or should be doing.
Journaling. I use to journal all the time but this year I have really slacked in that area. I find journalling keeps me grounded and more aware of how I am feeling and what I am working towards in my life. During this lockdown I decided to do one of Awhi journalling classes. I attended their instagram live one on Sunday 29th August. It was focused around reflections of August and intentions for September. It was exactly what I needed and I am now booked in for 2 more sessions this week. I enjoy writing hence this blog but you only write when you have something to say otherwise you don't write at all. These journalling sessions make me think which intern makes me want to write. Great for my mental health.
I have also got roped in to painting my mums house with her which has been interesting. Last lockdown we painted the outside of her house and now we are painting the inside. We finished half of it in one day and now have the other half to go. It looks really good so far. Maybe my next business will be a painting company.. kidding (Side note: we live on the same property and share the same bubble etc).
Thats it from me today. I hope you enjoyed reading about the things that I've done throughout this lockdown to stay sane and keep myself busy. What have you done throughout this lockdown ?
P.S. I've given my website a small update. You should definitely check it out and let me know what you think!