Generally you start exercising because you have a goal but you tend to stop as you lose sight of that goal (lack of motivation Or drive) or you try to do exercise you don’t actually enjoy... For example doing 2 hours of cardio everyday isn’t sustainable nor enjoyable. If you don’t enjoy something then why would you continue to do it. It’s all about trial and error really. If you don’t know what type of exercise you like then whats the harm in trying out a few different classes. A great way to do this is to do a little bit of research first as some places offer the first class free or a trail class where you don’t have to sign anything first.
What use to put me off was sign up for a membership before I even knew it was my thing. Anyways after awhile of trial and error myself I found a few different forms of exercise I like to do. I enjoy biking, Pilates (hence why I have my own studio) and I enjoy the gym. I also use to play hockey throughout the year but as I was already doing a lot of exercise I was doing more harm than good to my body (overtraining is real) so I had to step back and take a look at what meant more to me. Have a think about exercise you really enjoy and if you need some help google is always interesting. If you are interested in trying pilates feel free to send me a message I will be happy to help ☺️
