There are so many benefits from doing pilates but I have chosen five to go over with you today. I you have ever wondered what the big deal about Pilates is or what it even does then keep reading to find out more.
Some of the benefits to doing Mat pilates are:
Improved flexibility and mobility
If you have done Pilates before you would know there are quiet a few exercises that require relatively good flexibility especially if you want to move in to the hard exercises. The best way to increase your flexibility and mobility is to do Pilates and stretches on a regular basis. Preferably three to four Pilates sessions a week and daily stretching. The stretches do not have to be hard or take hours. 5 stretches for 5 minutes each day is better than non at all. After a few weeks you will soon see changes in your flexibility and mobility in your body.
Increased muscle strength and tone
When you do any form of resistance exercise you can increase your muscle strength. When you do Pilates regularly you can increase your muscle strength and create a more toned look. By doing regular Pilates you are able to build your muscle while creating that toned look you desire.
Improved Posture
Regular Pilates improves a lot of things including posture. Pilates exercises are designed to length the body, strengthen the mind muscle connection, increase balance, flexibility etc. Doing Pilates consistently enables your finer muscles to start doing their job correctly which in turn helps the body to correct its posture without you actually noticing unless you think about it.
Helps correct muscle imbalances throughout the body
Pilates also helps find and corrects any imbalances you have. Once you find an imbalance in the body it is pretty simple to fix it with standard Pilates exercises. All it takes is correct technique and repetition.
Safe rehabilitation of joint and spinal injuries
since Pilates is low impact it is a great form of exercise when it comes to rehabilitation of join and spinal injuries. Depending on the injury depends on the level of Pilates you need. If you have a severe spinal injury it is best to find a highly qualified Pilates instructor to get the up most care and benefit out of each session.
If you do try Pilates please take care
Pilates is such an amazing form of exercise when done correctly. It can help your body in so many ways when you are taught correctly. This is why it is so important to check with your instructure if you are not sure you are preforming any of the exercises correctly. When preforming the exercise incorrectly you can end up doing minor damages to your muscles. If you have any concerns please talk to your instructor directly. They do not know what you don’t tell them.
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