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Do you struggle with your Pelvic floor?


I have had several clients come to me wanting answer, wanting quick fixes to their problem. They want more than just to be told to do their kegal exercises. Here is a short list of some exercises that can make a huge difference as well as a link to a fellow pilates instructors YouTube channel.

Lets get straight to it. No one wants to pee their pants. It's embarrassing and very inconvenient. We already know about kegals and it is important to do them but there are other exercises and tricks out there to try as well. So here are a few things you can do to strength your pelvic floor and avoid the bathroom for a little bit longer.

  • While you are peeing try and stop mid flow. This will involve tightening the pelvic floor and creating more of a mind muscle connection. The more you can do this the more control you will have.

  • Work on your pelvic tilting. (Hello Pilates) you need to work on using your finer muscles instead of relying on your bigger muscle groups. Lay down on the floor, have your legs bent with your feet flat and hip width apart. Keep your head looking up to the ceiling and now I want you to focus on flatting out your lower back. This will create the pelvis to tilt while engaging your finer muscles. If you need some help flattening your back you can slightly lift up the bottom of your bum or put one hand under your lower back and press against it with your back.

  • Another Pilates exercise is Toe Taps. This is a great one for engaging your core and your pelvic floor. Just like the Pelvic Tilt exercise you want to be lying down on the floor with your feet hip with apart. Now I want you to bring your knees up and make sure they are over your hips and legs are bent to create a table top look. Now you need to lower one leg down (keeping the angle in your leg) and tap your toes on the floor. Slowly bring that leg back up to the starting position and repeat on the other side. You really want to focus on keeping your lower back flat throughout this whole exercise so it is engaging all the correct muscles. If you can't keep your back flat try bringing your knees closer towards you and it should flatten it right out.

  • Now somethings need professional help. Somethings can't be fixed at home so remember it is ok to ask for help. Most women struggle with pelvic floor problems especially after having their children. There are pelvic physiotherapist out there if you need them. Another option is joining a pilates class 2 to 3 times per week. Pilates is very focused on the pelvic floor and engaging the finer muscles in our bodies so by attending regularly throughout the week should help you see improvements a lot faster and cut down the bathroom trips.

You are not alone in this problem. I have been there. My son is now 7 years old and by doing regular exercise and strengthening my pelvic floor I no longer have any problems. I can go running, jump on the trampoline and do skipping without having to worry now. Goodbye panty liners.

If you are wanting a great video to follow along to Robin from The balanced Life Pilates has put together a 7 minute video that perfectly explains and demonstrates amazing exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. I have attached the link below if you would like to go check it out.

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