Yesterday I received an email advertising a sale on this ab machine. It's basically a big plaster in the shape of a 6 pack that you put on your tummy... There are so many machines out there that advertise weight loss or able to tone your muscles.
Unfortunately its all a scam and a waste of money. You don't need a machine to massage your muscles in the hopes to tone them. That's not how it works and if someone says it does look into the research first (not just google).
Toning is another word for fat loss. By decreasing your body fat you will be able to see you muscles more hense why they say toning. However you cannot tone without the muscle underneath so you need to spend time on building the muscle before "stripping" the fat. Plus the fat actually helps in building muscles. The more muscles you have the more fat you burn and bonus you can eat more to maintain your muscle without gaining weight!
So how do you lose the fat?
You continue to move and you eat healthy. You create a balanced lifestyle and if you are a women you also need to take into consideration your hormones and your menstral cycle. Believe it or not but as a women you change every single day due to your hormones. Males on the other hand don't have such a dramatic change in their hormones over the course of a month.
If you need help with your exercise you are more than welcome to send me a message and I will give you my recommendation.
If you would like help with your nutrition I can recommend a few local nutritionist if you would like to take a deeper look at improving your meal choices.
